April 28, 2017

Homemade Bulletproof Coffee

I figured I change things up just a little and tell you about my cup of joe in the morning. IT'S GOT BUTTER IN IT! I live in the south.. you know I'm all over anything with butter.

You guys may or may not have heard of this creation called "bulletproof coffee" by now. It's now my morning go-to! Bulletproof coffee in a nutshell is supposed to increase energy, sharpen your mind, and keep you feeling full longer. The main ingredients are coffee, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil. Butter in coffee sounds so weird at first but it's amazing. They all act together to give you these results that are better than coffee alone.

Increased energy-I would probably feel these results better if I actually got adequate sleep in the first place but that's THE WHOLE REASON I DRINK COFFEE. I usually eat some sort of granola or Luna bar on the way to work but I definitely feel full longer into the morning. I'd say I get an extra 2 hours before my stomach is growling for lunch-I'll take it. Coconut oil-it's supposed to be the miracle ingredient and answer to all of life's unanswered questions so, just do it.

The major thing I notice from drinking coffee this way is that I don't get the caffeine shakes! The caffeine in coffee affects me like crazy. About an hour or two after I drink coffee my hands get the shakes. Which doesn't go very well with cleaning teeth and sharp instruments. Some of you probably think I'm crazy but I've talked to quite a few people that have the same issue. This concoction eliminates that for me!

Anywho, there's an actual bulletproof coffee regimen you can buy because some guy invented it. I've read that it's no better than doing it your own way at home. And there are now so many different spins on it. You can add even coconut milk, almond milk, cinnamon, creamer, sugar, etc. to make it your own. SO, I'm done rambling.. here's how I do it!


I use a hefty spoonful of coconut oil and a nice big slice of butter, I don't use a specific measurement.

I put the coconut oil, butter, and a splash of creamer in my blender and brew the coffee right into it so all I have to do is blend it up. This is everything BEFORE being blended.

Ta daaaa! Done.

It gets nice and frothy on top almost like a latte! It's so smooth and creamy. I'm hooked.

Let me know what you all think if you try it! Or if you'd never dare try it because I'm crazy and it sounds disgusting to you. Either way (: