I love a sweater with shorts! It's such an easy and comfortable outfit, and I'm all about both of those things. Also, I'm always on the cold side. I'm much happier when my arms are covered vs my legs, so there's reason #3 I like outfits like this.
As I've said many times before, I LOVE pom poms! I feel like this hat is more on the beachy side but I kinda made it the statement piece of the outfit here. I can't find the blue version that I have but DID find the black one, which is equally as cute! Mine definitely wasn't as expensive as this site has it listed for. I see that they have 15% off your first purchase though, so that helps! It's made by the Brooklyn Hat Company, so keep your eye out if you're wanting the blue one. They have an Instagram (@brooklynhatcompany) and did have a webpage, but it's not up anymore?? Oh well. I'm thinking hard about getting the other one I'm linking, it's soooooo pink and cute.
Moto jackets: they're great. You can wear them spring, summer, and fall if you do it right. I got this one at TJ Maxx a month or so ago but linked some other good ones!
Photos by Mary Skinner